Sunday, January 3, 2016

In last night dream I was working out of town; not sure if it was the up-coming job in San Fransisco. I missed home to the point of walking off the job and headed to the airport to catch a flight home. The company I had been working for was footing the bill for my rental car,so I left the car on the job and decided to walk back to the airport.

During my walk through the city, I passed a parking lot. In the lot, was a single car painted a dark purple on very large rims. Oddly, the rims looked like they could also be used as music speakers. The back tires had wheelboots placed on them; the police place on cars for parking illegally or owed fines.

There was co-worker looking at the car from the side walk as I passed. This co-worker was someone from the dream, not anyone I know in this reality, yet.

Are those wheels also speakers?” I asked him.

Yes,” he replied, “The car is owned by a radio station that didn’t pay some fines and it’s been part there for some time.”

You want to see something cool?” he asked, “Follow me.”

I followed him to an old well kept brick building next to the parking lot. The building was on an intersection with large shaded trees surrounding the area. The side of the building ran parallel with the street I followed while the front entrance faced the street just before the inter section. The first floor sat about five feet of the ground and concrete steps leading to the entrance held several people standing on them. One of the people was a dark-haired woman standing at the top. I stood at the bottom of the steps and watched as a man in dark clothes walked pass me up to the steps toward the woman. In his hand, he carried a large case; possibly five feet long by two feet wide and one foot thick.

Once he got to the top next and by the woman, he opened the case. She pulled out a long black tube and lifted it onto her shoulders.

Is that an RPG?” I asked.

Yes.” said my co-worker who stood next t me, “Keep watching.”

Another man one step down from the woman plucked a small rocket out of the case and loaded it into the RPG. I looked out over the intersection at the traffic and other buildings running throughout the streets; surely she wasn’t going to fire the rocket, Just then I heard a loud “SWOOSH” and a trail of smoke exploded past me. I could see the rocket speeding toward the intersection, keeping only a few feet off the ground. There was a panel van that had gone through the intersection and had nearly made it out of my sight past a building when the rocket punched through the back of the van.

Just as the van disappeared out of sight, there was an ear-splitting explosion that sent pieces of the van in every direction. The debris became projectiles and ripped through cars, buildings and people. The devastation was too incredible for such a small rocket that I began to think the van must have been caring something to escalate the damage. I looked back at the woman and others up on the steps; they had all taken off running. I noticed something at my feet, and it was the RPG. The woman had tossed it down before running, and now I was the only one there to take the blame.

I took off running also but not actually paying attention to where I was going. After sometime I came to a stop and knew I had to call police to inform them what had happened and who had caused the devastation. I searched pockets but could not find my phone, it then dawned on me that I had left it back in the rental along with my plane ticket. I looked around for a payphone but saw none. I ran over to a nearby hotel and went inside. I asked the desk clerk to use their phone, but they said the hotel had none. I began to stop guests in the lobby and but none of them carried phones. I explained that I needed to call the police, but each one told me that I would have to use my phone or find an officer.

The only thing I could do was head back to the rental car and get my phone and airline ticket. I went outside and stopped under the awning. Night had fallen, and a hard cold rain was falling. I stepped out into the storm, and my feet became wet. I looked down to see my shoes were gone, and I only had a pair of socks on. My body became wet with chills, and I noticed my coat was gone. I had no other choice other than to run back to my car bare footed, wet and cold. I took off running awakening as I did.


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